
using Config = std::vector<double>

Type alias for std::vector<double> as a joint configuration of a robot.

struct Frame : public Eigen::Isometry3d

Represents a transformation or pose in 3D Cartesian space.

Encapsulates translation and rotation in a unified manner for 3D poses.

Public Types

using Translation = Eigen::Translation3d

Translation component.

using EulerAngles = Eigen::EulerAngles<double, Eigen::EulerSystemXYZ>

Euler angles representation.

using EulerParameter = std::array<double, 6>

Euler angles and translation.

using QuaternionParameter = std::array<double, 7>

Quaternion and translation.

Public Functions

Frame() = default

Default constructor.

Frame(const Eigen::Isometry3d &frame)

Construct a Frame from an Eigen Isometry3d object.


frame – An Eigen Isometry3d object representing the transformation.

double translational_distance(const Frame &other) const

Calculate the Euclidean distance between two Frames’ positions.


other – The other Frame to compare against.


double The Euclidean distance.

double angular_distance(const Frame &other) const

Calculate the angular distance between two Frames’ orientations.


other – The other Frame to compare against.


double The angular distance.

Frame interpolate(double t, const Frame &other) const

Interpolate between this Frame and another Frame.

  • t – The interpolation parameter (0.0 to 1.0).

  • other – The other Frame to interpolate towards.


Frame The interpolated Frame.

std::array<double, 16> to_matrix() const

Convert the Frame to a 4x4 matrix.


std::array<double, 16> The Frame as a 4x4 matrix.

std::array<double, 6> to_euler() const

Convert the Frame to Euler angles and translation.


std::array<double, 6> The Frame as Euler angles and translation.

bool operator==(const Frame &other) const

Check if two Frames are equal.


other – The other Frame to compare against.


bool True if the Frames are equal, false otherwise.

Public Static Functions

static Frame Identity()

Get the identity transformation.


Frame The identity Frame.

static Frame from_matrix(const std::array<double, 16> &data)

Create a Frame from a matrix.


data – A 16-element array representing a 4x4 matrix.


Frame The Frame constructed from the matrix.

static Frame from_translation(double x, double y, double z)

Create a Frame from translation values.

  • x – The x translation.

  • y – The y translation.

  • z – The z translation.


Frame The Frame with the specified translation.

static Frame from_quaternion(double x, double y, double z, double qw, double qx, double qy, double qz)

Create a Frame from quaternion values.

  • x – The x component of the quaternion.

  • y – The y component of the quaternion.

  • z – The z component of the quaternion.

  • qw – The scalar component of the quaternion.

  • qx – The x component of the quaternion.

  • qy – The y component of the quaternion.

  • qz – The z component of the quaternion.


Frame The Frame with the specified quaternion.

static Frame from_euler(double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c)

Create a Frame from Euler angles.

  • x – The x translation.

  • y – The y translation.

  • z – The z translation.

  • a – The rotation angle around the x-axis.

  • b – The rotation angle around the y-axis.

  • c – The rotation angle around the z-axis.


Frame The Frame with the specified translation and Euler angles.

static Frame from_two_vectors(std::array<double, 3> v1, std::array<double, 3> v2)

Create a Frame representing a rotation that brings two vectors into alignment.

  • v1 – The first vector.

  • v2 – The second vector.


Frame The Frame with the rotation between the two vectors.

static Frame x(double x)

Create a Frame representing a translation along the x-axis.


x – The translation value along the x-axis.


Frame The Frame with the x-axis translation.

static Frame y(double y)

Create a Frame representing a translation along the y-axis.


y – The translation value along the y-axis.


Frame The Frame with the y-axis translation.

static Frame z(double z)

Create a Frame representing a translation along the z-axis.


z – The translation value along the z-axis.


Frame The Frame with the z-axis translation.

static Frame Rx(double c, double s)

Create a Frame representing a rotation around the x-axis.

  • c – The cosine of the rotation angle.

  • s – The sine of the rotation angle.


Frame The Frame with the rotation around the x-axis.

static Frame Ry(double c, double s)

Create a Frame representing a rotation around the y-axis.

  • c – The cosine of the rotation angle.

  • s – The sine of the rotation angle.


Frame The Frame with the rotation around the y-axis.

static Frame Rz(double c, double s)

Create a Frame representing a rotation around the z-axis.

  • c – The cosine of the rotation angle.

  • s – The sine of the rotation angle.


Frame The Frame with the rotation around the z-axis.

static Frame Rx(double a)

Create a Frame representing a rotation around the x-axis.


a – The rotation angle around the x-axis.


Frame The Frame with the rotation around the x-axis.

static Frame Ry(double a)

Create a Frame representing a rotation around the y-axis.


a – The rotation angle around the y-axis.


Frame The Frame with the rotation around the y-axis.

static Frame Rz(double a)

Create a Frame representing a rotation around the z-axis.


a – The rotation angle around the z-axis.


Frame The Frame with the rotation around the z-axis.

struct Twist : public Eigen::Vector<double, 6>

Represents a velocity in 3D Cartesian space.

The Twist struct represents a 6-dimensional vector used to describe velocity in 3D Cartesian space. It consists of linear velocities in the x, y, and z directions, and angular velocities around these axes.

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Twist(double x, double y, double z, double rx, double ry, double rz)

Construct a Twist with specified linear and angular velocities.

  • x – The linear velocity along the x-axis.

  • y – The linear velocity along the y-axis.

  • z – The linear velocity along the z-axis.

  • rx – The angular velocity around the x-axis.

  • ry – The angular velocity around the y-axis.

  • rz – The angular velocity around the z-axis.

Twist(const std::array<double, 6> &twist)

Construct a Twist from an array.


twist – An array containing the 6-dimensional twist values.

Twist(const Eigen::Vector<double, 6> &twist)

Construct a Twist from an Eigen vector.


twist – An Eigen vector containing the 6-dimensional twist values.

Twist operator+(const Twist &other)

Add two Twist objects.


other – The Twist object to add.


Twist The result of the addition.

Twist transform(const Eigen::Matrix3d &rotation, const Eigen::Vector3d &translation) const

Transform the Twist by a rotation and translation.

  • rotation – A 3x3 rotation matrix.

  • translation – A 3D translation vector.


Twist The transformed Twist.

Twist cross(const Twist &other) const

Compute the cross product of two Twists.


other – The Twist object to cross with this one.


Twist The result of the cross product.

std::array<double, 6> to_array() const

Convert the Twist to an array.

Converts the Twist object into a 6-element array, with the components arranged as [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].


std::array<double, 6> The Twist represented as an array.