
Within the rapidly transforming world of manufacturing automation, robotic assembly stands out as a crucial technology. It involves the use of 6-axis robots to efficiently position, fit, assemble and construct different components into a wide range of products, with high degree of precision and accuracy. Programming robotic assembly cells remains a challenge when relying on traditional methods, requiring a tedious manual process of tuning motion parameters for each component. This not only makes it time-consuming but also limits the flexibility and adaptability of the assembly process. In this tutorial, we introduce a short program created using the Jacobi platform, designed to be easily configurable for the assembly of various components.


Application Code

import asyncio
from pathlib import Path

from jacobi import Frame, Motion, LinearMotion, LinearSection, Planner, Studio

class AssemblyApplication:
    project_path = Path.home() / 'Downloads' / 'assembly.jacobi-project'

    def __init__(self):
        self.planner = Planner.load_from_project_file(self.project_path)
        self.environment = self.planner.environment
        self.robot = self.environment.get_robot()

        self.home = self.environment.get_waypoint('Home')
        self.assembly = self.environment.get_waypoint('Assembly')

        self.cylinders = [
            self.environment.get_obstacle('Cylinder 1'),
            self.environment.get_obstacle('Cylinder 2'),
            self.environment.get_obstacle('Cylinder 3'),
            self.environment.get_obstacle('Cylinder 4'),

        # Just for visualization = Studio()
        self.robot_position = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  # Initial joint position [rad]

        # TODO: Set up robot driver
        # self.driver = FanucDriver(host='')

    async def run_trajectory(self, trajectory, events=Studio.Events()):
        # TODO: Use actual robot driver
        #, events)  # requires the Studio Live feature
        self.robot_position = trajectory.positions[-1]

    async def grasp(self):
        # TODO: Grasp cylinder
        await asyncio.sleep(0.5)  # [s]
        # TODO: Check input condition

    async def release(self):
        # TODO: Release cylinder
        await asyncio.sleep(0.5)  # [s]
        # TODO: Check input condition

    async def assemble_cylinder(self, cylinder, retract_from_start=True):
        # 1. Move from current position -> Cylinder pick
        pick_frame = cylinder.origin
        motion = Motion(self.robot_position, pick_frame)
        motion.linear_approach = LinearSection(Frame(z=0.1), speed=0.5)  # [m]
        if retract_from_start:
            motion.linear_retraction = LinearSection(Frame(z=0.05), speed=0.5)  # [m]
        trajectory = self.planner.plan(motion)
        await self.run_trajectory(trajectory)

        # 2. Grasp cylinder
        await self.grasp()

        cylinder.origin = Frame.Identity()
        self.robot.item_obstacle = cylinder

        events = Studio.Events()
        events[0.0] = Studio.Events.set_item(self.robot.item_obstacle)
        events[0.0] = Studio.Events.remove_obstacle(cylinder)

        # 3. Move from pick -> Angled assembly approach
        assembly_frame = self.assembly.position
        assembly_frame_approach = self.assembly.position * Frame(a=0.18)  # [rad]

        motion = Motion(self.robot_position, assembly_frame_approach)
        motion.linear_retraction = LinearSection(Frame(z=0.1), speed=0.5)  # [m]
        motion.linear_approach = LinearSection(Frame(z=0.05), speed=0.1)  # [m]
        trajectory = self.planner.plan(motion)
        await self.run_trajectory(trajectory, events)

        # 4. Orient normal to fixture
        motion = LinearMotion(self.robot_position, assembly_frame)
        trajectory = self.planner.plan(motion)

        events = Studio.Events()
        cylinder.origin = self.assembly.position
        events[trajectory.duration] = Studio.Events.add_obstacle(cylinder)
        events[trajectory.duration] = Studio.Events.set_item(None)
        await self.run_trajectory(trajectory, events)

        # 5. Release cylinder
        await self.release()

        self.robot.item_obstacle = None

    async def run(self):
        # 0. Move to home position
        trajectory = self.planner.plan(self.robot_position, self.home)
        await self.run_trajectory(trajectory)

        for i, cylinder in enumerate(self.cylinders):
            await self.assemble_cylinder(cylinder, retract_from_start=i > 0)

        # End. Move to home position again
        motion = Motion(self.robot_position, self.home)
        motion.linear_retraction = LinearSection(Frame(z=0.1), speed=0.5)  # [m]
        trajectory = self.planner.plan(motion)
        await self.run_trajectory(trajectory)  # Reset the visualization

if __name__ == '__main__':
    application = AssemblyApplication()