
The Jacobi motion library is our core package, so let’s install it first. We provide two versions: A cloud and an on-prem version. Both versions are available for either Python 3.8 (or later) on macOS and Linux, or C++17 on Linux.

If you are wondering which version to try, start with the cloud version which is free to install.



The cloud Python package can be installed from PyPI via

pip install jacobi-motion

If no package is found, make sure to upgrade pip to the latest available version via pip install pip --upgrade.


The cloud version requires an API key for authentication that you can access in your user account. You can pass this to the motion library by setting the JACOBI_API_KEY environment variable.

On Premises


Please find all downloads on our release page. Choose the corresponding Python wheel file for your Python version and architecture, and install via

pip install jacobi-motion-*.whl

Please make sure to uninstall the cloud version before.


The on-prem version requires a license key that is, if not specified otherwise, tied to a specific computer. To get started, get the token from the license that you want to activate from your user account and run

jacobi-get-license [YOUR_LICENSE_TOKEN] --name my-robot

to activate your license. Feel free to pass an optional name argument to simplify the license handling in case of multiple computers. This will download the key file and saves it on your local machine. If you want to move the key, feel free to specify the new location via the JACOBI_LICENSE_DIRECTORY environment variable.