Yaskawa Driver

The Jacobi Yaskawa Driver connects with a MotoPlus application running on the robot controller. Our driver builds upon the ROS Industrial Motoman driver, so feel free to look there for further details.

Driver Installation

To install the Jacobi driver, either download the Debian package from account.jacobirobotics.com or install the Python package via

pip install jacobi-yaskawa-driver

Robot Setup

Installing on a YRC1000micro Controller

  1. Download the MotoPlus file, the JOB file, and the IO file from here.

  2. Install the MotoROS MotoPlus Application MotoRosYRC1u_*.out. For that:

    • Bring the controller into MAINTENANCE MODE.

      • If using a Smart Pendant, go to [MENU] -> [System Settings] -> [Classic Interface]. Then go to [Special Mode] -> [Maintenance Mode].

      • Otherwise, restart the controller and press the MAIN MENU button while turning on.

    • Connect a USB drive with the MotoROS MotoPlus App file (*.out).

    • Set the security mode to [Menu] -> [Security] -> [Management]. The default password is 9999999999999999 (just keep 9’ pressed).

    • Go to [Menu] -> [System Settings] -> [Controller] -> [MOTOPLUS APPLICATIONS].

    • Press [ADD], and select the MotoROS Application to install it. Make sure that it reads the files from the correct USB input.

  3. Copy the INIT_ROS.JBI JOB file to the controller.

  4. Copy the IONAME.DAT file to controller.

  5. Set the correct controller configuration:

    • Go to [Setup] -> [Operate Cond] -> [Cycle Switch In xxxx Mode].

    • Change all [Cycle Switch In xxxx Mode] to CYCLE.

  6. Restart the controller to bring it into NORMAL MODE again.


For the physical connection, use the LAN port on the robot controller. Set the robot’s IP address, e.g., Set the Ethernet connection on the control PC to a fixed IP, e.g., Then, construct a YaskawaDriver and specify the IP address of the robot.

from jacobi.drivers import YaskawaDriver

driver = YaskawaDriver(planner, host='')

In case of connection issues, please double check that the network configuration on both the robot and the control PC is correct, as well as no firewall is blocking the UDP packages.


Here, you can find several examples of using the Driver alongside the Jacobi Motion library.


Useful links and documents for troubleshooting:

License Attributions

This software depends on included third-party libraries that require reproduction of the license text in our distributions.