
class jacobi.drivers.ResultΒΆ

Bases: ReturnCode

__init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ
class jacobi.drivers.FutureResultΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object

__init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ
get(self: FutureResult) ResultΒΆ
wait(self: FutureResult) NoneΒΆ
class jacobi_driver_simulated.DriverΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object

__init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ
add_event(self: Driver, trigger: jacobi_driver_simulated.Trigger, action: jacobi_driver_simulated.Action) NoneΒΆ
blend_into(self: Driver, trajectory: Trajectory, duration: float) jacobi_driver_simulated.ResultΒΆ

Blend into a trajectory.

Blend into the new trajectory from the current state, so that the robot will be on the given trajectory exactly after the duration time [s].

blend_into_async(self: Driver, trajectory: Trajectory, duration: float) jacobi_driver_simulated.FutureResultΒΆ

Blend into a trajectory asynchronously.

Blend into the new trajectory from the current state, so that the robot will be on the given trajectory exactly after the duration time [s].

create_io_alias(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ

Overloaded function.

  1. create_io_alias(self: jacobi_driver_simulated.Driver, name: str, address: int) -> None

Give I/O address an alias name

  1. create_io_alias(self: jacobi_driver_simulated.Driver, name: str, address_in: int, address_out: int) -> None

Give I/O address an alias name

disable(self: Driver) jacobi_driver_simulated.ResultΒΆ

Disable robot’s servos (if available).

disconnect(self: Driver) boolΒΆ

Disconnect from the robot. Returns disconnection success.

enable(self: Driver) jacobi_driver_simulated.ResultΒΆ

Enable robot’s servos (if available).

get_analog_input(self: Driver, name: str) float | NoneΒΆ

Read a analog input.

get_digital_input(self: Driver, name: str) int | NoneΒΆ

Read a digital input.

get_double_register(self: Driver, name: str) float | NoneΒΆ
get_group_input(self: Driver, name: str) int | NoneΒΆ

Read a group input.

get_int_register(self: Driver, name: str) int | NoneΒΆ
move_along(self: Driver, name: str, goal: list[float] | Waypoint | CartesianWaypoint | jacobi.MultiRobotPoint | None = None, ignore_collisions: bool = False) jacobi_driver_simulated.ResultΒΆ

Move along a pre-defined motion.

move_along_async(self: Driver, name: str, goal: list[float] | Waypoint | CartesianWaypoint | jacobi.MultiRobotPoint | None = None, ignore_collisions: bool = False) jacobi_driver_simulated.FutureResultΒΆ

Move along a pre-defined motion asynchronously.

move_to(self: Driver, goal: list[float] | Waypoint | CartesianWaypoint | jacobi.MultiRobotPoint, ignore_collisions: bool = False) jacobi_driver_simulated.ResultΒΆ

Move to an exact waypoint.

move_to_async(self: Driver, point: list[float] | Waypoint | CartesianWaypoint | jacobi.MultiRobotPoint, ignore_collisions: bool = False) jacobi_driver_simulated.FutureResultΒΆ

Move to an exact waypoint asynchronously.

pause(self: Driver) boolΒΆ

Pause along the currently executed trajectory. Driver will be in paused state afterwards, except the motion did finish while pausing.

pause_async(self: Driver) jacobi_driver_simulated.FutureBoolΒΆ

Pause along the currently executed trajectory. Driver will be in paused state afterwards, except the motion did finish while pausing.

reconnect(self: Driver) boolΒΆ

Connect to the robot, in particular after an external disconnection. Returns reconnection success.

resume(self: Driver) jacobi_driver_simulated.ResultΒΆ

Resume a paused trajectory.

resume_async(self: Driver) jacobi_driver_simulated.FutureResultΒΆ

Resume a paused trajectory asynchronously.

run(self: Driver, trajectory: Trajectory) jacobi_driver_simulated.ResultΒΆ

Run a trajectory.

run_async(self: Driver, trajectory: Trajectory) jacobi_driver_simulated.FutureResultΒΆ

Run a trajectory asynchronously.

set_analog_output(self: Driver, name: str, value: float) boolΒΆ

Write to a analog output. Returns whether successful.

set_digital_output(self: Driver, name: str, value: int) boolΒΆ

Write to a digital output. Returns whether successful.

set_double_register(self: Driver, name: str, value: float) boolΒΆ
set_group_output(self: Driver, name: str, value: int) boolΒΆ

Write to a group output. Returns whether successful.

set_int_register(self: Driver, name: str, value: int) boolΒΆ
set_speed(self: Driver, speed: float, duration: float = 0.0) NoneΒΆ

Set the driver’s speed scaling gracefully, change it linearly within the duration. If the robot is not running, set the speed immediately.

stop(self: Driver, fast_stop: bool = True) jacobi_driver_simulated.ResultΒΆ

Stop a motion as fast as possible

stop_async(self: Driver, fast_stop: bool = True) jacobi_driver_simulated.FutureResultΒΆ

Stop a motion as fast as possible asynchronously.

property connect_timeoutΒΆ

Timeout for reconnecting to the robot

property current_joint_positionΒΆ

Get and read current joint position

property current_stateΒΆ

Get and read current robot state

property degrees_of_freedomΒΆ

Degrees of freedom of the robot

property delta_timeΒΆ

Control interval of the robot’s driver

property hostΒΆ

The host address of the robot controller

property is_pausedΒΆ

Is the robot currently in a paused state?

property is_runningΒΆ

Whether the robot is moving right now

property log_motionsΒΆ

Whether to log motions

property monitor_path_deviationΒΆ

Monitor the path deviation between planned and executed trajectory

property portΒΆ

The port of the robot controller

property speedΒΆ

Set the driver’s speed scaling. A speed of zero corresponds to the paused state.

property studioΒΆ

The underlying connection to Jacobi Studio

class jacobi.drivers.ABBDriverΒΆ

Bases: Driver

class RWSΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object

A robot connection using the ABB Robot Web Services interface.

class ControllerStateΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object









__init__(self: ControllerState, value: int) NoneΒΆ
property nameΒΆ
class ExecutionCycleΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object





__init__(self: ExecutionCycle, value: int) NoneΒΆ
property nameΒΆ
class MastershipDomainΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object






__init__(self: MastershipDomain, value: int) NoneΒΆ
property nameΒΆ
class OperationModeΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object









__init__(self: OperationMode, value: int) NoneΒΆ
property nameΒΆ
class SignalModeΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object







__init__(self: SignalMode, value: int) NoneΒΆ
property nameΒΆ
__init__(self: RWS, host: str, version: RobotWareVersion, module: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule, user: str = 'Default User', password: str = 'robotics') NoneΒΆ
add_grant_to_role(self: RWS, role: str, grant: str) NoneΒΆ
call_procedure(self: RWS, name: str) NoneΒΆ
delete_file(self: RWS, file: str) NoneΒΆ
execute(self: RWS, state_machine: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule, init: str = 'egm') jacobi_driver_abb.ResultΒΆ
execute_rapid(self: RWS, task: str, rapid: str) jacobi_driver_abb.ResultΒΆ
execute_rapid_main(self: RWS) jacobi_driver_abb.ResultΒΆ
get_file(self: RWS, file: str) strΒΆ
get_joint_position(self: RWS, mechunit: str = 'ROB_1') list[float]ΒΆ
get_rapid_symbol(self: RWS, symbol: str) strΒΆ
get_signal(self: RWS, signal: str, network: str = '', device: str = '') jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS.SignalΒΆ
get_user_grants(self: RWS, user: str) NoneΒΆ
invert_signal(self: RWS, signal: str, network: str = '', device: str = '') NoneΒΆ
load_module(self: RWS, task: str, file: str, replace: bool = False) NoneΒΆ
logout(self: RWS) NoneΒΆ
release_mastership(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ

Overloaded function.

  1. release_mastership(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS) -> None

  2. release_mastership(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS, domain: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS.MastershipDomain) -> None

request_mastership(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ

Overloaded function.

  1. request_mastership(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS) -> None

  2. request_mastership(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS, domain: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS.MastershipDomain) -> None

reset_program_pointer_to_main(self: RWS) NoneΒΆ
restart_controller(self: RWS) NoneΒΆ
restart_panel(self: RWS) NoneΒΆ
set_payload(self: RWS, payload_name: str, mechunit: str = 'ROB_1') NoneΒΆ
set_rapid_symbol(self: RWS, symbol: str, value: str, init_value: bool = True, log: bool = False) NoneΒΆ
set_signal(self: RWS, signal: str, value: str, network: str = '', device: str = '') NoneΒΆ
set_signal_value(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ

Overloaded function.

  1. set_signal_value(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS, signal: str, value: str, mode: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS.SignalMode = <SignalMode.Value: 0>, delay: int = 0, pulses: int = 1, active_pulse: int = 10, passive_pulse: int = 10, network: str = β€˜β€™, device: str = β€˜β€™) -> None

  2. set_signal_value(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS, signal: str, value: int, mode: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS.SignalMode = <SignalMode.Value: 0>, delay: int = 0, pulses: int = 1, active_pulse: int = 10, passive_pulse: int = 10, network: str = β€˜β€™, device: str = β€˜β€™) -> None

set_tool(self: RWS, tool_name: str, mechunit: str = 'ROB_1') NoneΒΆ
start_execution(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS, cycle: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RWS.ExecutionCycle = <ExecutionCycle.Once: 2>) boolΒΆ
stop_execution(self: RWS) boolΒΆ
toggle_signal(self: RWS, signal: str, pulses: int = 1, active_pulse: int = 10, passive_pulse: int = 0, network: str = '', device: str = '') NoneΒΆ
unload_module(self: RWS, task: str, module: str) NoneΒΆ
upload_file(self: RWS, file: str, content: str) NoneΒΆ
class RobotWareVersionΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object




__init__(self: RobotWareVersion, value: int) NoneΒΆ
property nameΒΆ
__init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, port: int) -> None

  2. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, robot: jacobi.Robot, port: int) -> None

  3. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, host: str, module: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule = <jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule object at 0x7f854495cdb0>, version: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RobotWareVersion = <RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7: 1>) -> None

  4. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, robot: jacobi.Robot, host: str, module: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule = <jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule object at 0x7f854495ce70>, version: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RobotWareVersion = <RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7: 1>) -> None

  5. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, host: str, port: int, module: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule = <jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule object at 0x7f8544fc60b0>, version: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RobotWareVersion = <RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7: 1>) -> None

  6. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, robot: jacobi.Robot, host: str, port: int, module: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule = <jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RapidModule object at 0x7f854495d2f0>, version: jacobi_driver_abb.ABBDriver.RobotWareVersion = <RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7: 1>) -> None

call_procedure(self: ABBDriver, name: str) jacobi_driver_abb.ResultΒΆ
call_procedure_async(self: ABBDriver, name: str) jacobi_driver_abb.FutureResultΒΆ
class jacobi.drivers.SimulatedDriverΒΆ

Bases: Driver

class SignalΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object

A simulated I/O Signal

__init__(self: Signal, name: str, value: int | float = 0.0, description: str | None = None) NoneΒΆ
property descriptionΒΆ

Description of the signal, as shown in UI

property nameΒΆ

The name of the I/O signal

property valueΒΆ

The current value of the signal

__init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_simulated.SimulatedDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, sync_with_studio: bool = False, log_stream: bool = False, keep_running: bool = False, host: str = β€˜’, port: int = 8000) -> None

Create a UniversalDriver with planning capabilities (with move, stop, and safety monitoring)

  1. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_simulated.SimulatedDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, robot: jacobi.Robot, sync_with_studio: bool = False, log_stream: bool = False, keep_running: bool = False, host: str = β€˜’, port: int = 8000) -> None

create_io(self: SimulatedDriver, name: str, default_value: int | float) NoneΒΆ

Create a simulated I/O

load_io_config(self: SimulatedDriver, config: list[Signal]) NoneΒΆ
load_io_config_from_file(self: SimulatedDriver, file: os.PathLike) NoneΒΆ
set_current_joint_position(self: SimulatedDriver, joint_position: list[float]) NoneΒΆ

Set the joint position

property enable_resultΒΆ

Result of enabling/disabling

property run_resultΒΆ

Result of a motion

property time_speedΒΆ

Simulated time speed for the control cycle (does not affect velocities and accelerations)

class jacobi.drivers.SimulatedDriver.SignalΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object

A simulated I/O Signal

__init__(self: Signal, name: str, value: int | float = 0.0, description: str | None = None) NoneΒΆ
property descriptionΒΆ

Description of the signal, as shown in UI

property nameΒΆ

The name of the I/O signal

property valueΒΆ

The current value of the signal

class jacobi.drivers.UniversalDriverΒΆ

Bases: Driver

class RobotTypeΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object




__init__(self: RobotType, value: int) NoneΒΆ
property nameΒΆ
__init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_universal.UniversalDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, host: str) -> None

  2. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_universal.UniversalDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, robot: jacobi.Robot, host: str) -> None

class jacobi.drivers.YaskawaDriverΒΆ

Bases: Driver

__init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_yaskawa.YaskawaDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, host: str = β€˜’, port: int = 50240) -> None

  2. __init__(self: jacobi_driver_yaskawa.YaskawaDriver, planner: jacobi.Planner, robot: jacobi.Robot, host: str = β€˜’, port: int = 50240) -> None

set_goal_timeout(self: YaskawaDriver, timeout: int) NoneΒΆ