

#include <iostream>

#include <jacobi/planner.hpp>
#include <jacobi/drivers/yaskawa.hpp>
#include <jacobi/robots/yaskawa_hc10.hpp>
#include <jacobi/utils/vector.hpp>  // E.g. for join method to print vectors easily

using namespace jacobi;
using namespace jacobi::drivers;
using namespace jacobi::robots;

int main() {
    auto robot = std::make_shared<YaskawaHC10>();

    auto planner = std::make_shared<Planner>(robot, 0.025);

    auto driver = std::make_shared<YaskawaDriver>(planner);

    const auto result_enable = driver->enable();
    if (result_enable != drivers::Result::Success) {
        std::cout << "Failed to enable robot!" << std::endl;

    // Option A: Use Home position
    Config target_pose0 {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -M_PI_2, 0.0};
    // // Option B: Use current position
    // auto target_pose0 = driver->get_current_joint_position();

    Config target_pose1(target_pose0);
    target_pose1[0] += 0.2;
    target_pose1[5] -= 0.2;

    Config target_pose2(target_pose1);
    target_pose2[1] += 0.4;
    target_pose2[2] += 0.2;
    target_pose2[4] += 0.2;

    // Move to: Pose0
    std::cout << "Target robot position - Pose0: " << join(target_pose0) << std::endl;
    const auto result0 = driver->move_to(target_pose0);
    std::cout << "Move Pose0 result: " << result0.get_description() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Current robot position: " << join(driver->get_current_joint_position()) << std::endl;

    // Move to: Pose1
    std::cout << "Target robot position - Pose1: " << join(target_pose1) << std::endl;
    const auto result1 = driver->move_to(target_pose1);
    std::cout << "Move Pose1 result: " << result1.get_description() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Current robot position: " << join(driver->get_current_joint_position()) << std::endl;

    // Move asynchronously to: Pose2
    std::cout << "Target robot position - Pose2: " << join(target_pose2) << std::endl;
    const auto future_result2 = driver->move_to_async(target_pose2);

    // Abort with Stop
    const auto result_stop = driver->stop();
    std::cout << "Stop robot: " << result_stop.get_description() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Robot position after stop: " << join(driver->get_current_joint_position()) << std::endl;

    // Move to: Pose2 - Get Result
    const auto result2 = future_result2.wait();
    std::cout << "Move Pose2 result: " << result2.get_description() << std::endl;

    // Move to: Pose0
    std::cout << "Target robot position - Pose0: " << join(target_pose0) << std::endl;
    const auto result3 = driver->move_to(target_pose0);
    std::cout << "Move Pose0 result: " << result3.get_description() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Current robot position: " << join(driver->get_current_joint_position()) << std::endl;



import time

from jacobi import Planner
from jacobi.drivers import Result, YaskawaDriver
from jacobi.robots import YaskawaHC10

if __name__ == '__main__':
    robot = YaskawaHC10()

    planner = Planner(robot, 0.025)

    driver = YaskawaDriver(planner)
    result_enable = driver.enable()
    if result_enable != Result.Success:
        print('Failed to enable robot!')

    # Option A: Use Home position
    target_pose0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.570796, 0.0]
    # # Option B: Use current position
    # target_pose0 = driver.current_joint_position
    print('Start robot position:', target_pose0)

    target_pose1 = list(target_pose0)
    target_pose1[0] += 0.2
    target_pose1[5] -= 0.2

    target_pose2 = list(target_pose1)
    target_pose2[1] += 0.4
    target_pose2[2] += 0.2
    target_pose2[4] += 0.2

    # Move to: Pose0
    print('Target robot position - Pose0: ', target_pose0)
    result0 = driver.move_to(target_pose0)
    print('Move Pose0 result:', result0)
    print('Current robot position:', driver.current_joint_position)

    # Move to: Pose1
    print('Target robot position - Pose1: ', target_pose1)
    result1 = driver.move_to(target_pose1)
    print('Move Pose1 result:', result1)
    print('Current robot position:', driver.current_joint_position)

    # Move asynchronously to: Pose2
    print('Target robot position - Pose2: ', target_pose2)
    future_result2 = driver.move_to_async(target_pose2)

    # Abort with Stop
    result_stop = driver.stop()
    print('Stop robot:', result_stop)
    print('Robot position after stop:', driver.current_joint_position)

    # Move to: Pose2 - Get Result
    result2 = future_result2.wait()
    print(f'Move Pose2 result: {result2}')

    # Move to: Pose0
    print('Target robot position - Pose0: ', target_pose0)
    result3 = driver.move_to(target_pose0)
    print('Move Pose0 result:', result3)
    print('Current robot position:', driver.current_joint_position)
