
class jacobi.IntrinsicsΒΆ

Bases: pybind11_object

Intrinsics of a camera

Represents the intrinsic parameters of a camera, which include the focal lengths, optical center coordinates, and image dimensions.

__init__(self: Intrinsics, focal_length_x: float, focal_length_y: float, optical_center_x: float, optical_center_y: float, width: int, height: int) NoneΒΆ
as_matrix(self: Intrinsics) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]ΒΆ
static load_from_file(file: os.PathLike) IntrinsicsΒΆ

Load an intrinsic calibration from a file

save(self: Intrinsics, file: os.PathLike) NoneΒΆ

Save an intrinsic calibration to a file

property cxΒΆ

The x-coordinate of the optical center [px]

property cyΒΆ

The y-coordinate of the optical center [px]

property focal_length_xΒΆ

The focal length along the x-axis [px]

property focal_length_yΒΆ

The focal length along the y-axis [px]

property fxΒΆ

The focal length along the x-axis [px]

property fyΒΆ

The focal length along the y-axis [px]

property heightΒΆ

The image height [px]

property optical_center_xΒΆ

The x-coordinate of the optical center [px]

property optical_center_yΒΆ

The y-coordinate of the optical center [px]

property widthΒΆ

The image width [px]

class jacobi.CameraΒΆ

Bases: Element

Camera element

The Camera class extends the Element class and includes parameters for the camera model and its intrinsic properties. The class allows for specifying the camera’s model name, its intrinsics, and its position in 3D space.

__init__(self: Camera, model: str, name: str, origin: Frame, intrinsics: Intrinsics) NoneΒΆ

Default constructor.

property intrinsicsΒΆ

The camera intrinsics

property modelΒΆ

The model name of the camera