
class Environment#
safety_margin: float#

Additional global safety margin used for collision checking.

__init__(robot: Robot, safety_margin=0.0)#

Constructs a new environment with the given robot, and a global safety margin for collision checking.

get_robot(name: str = '') Robot#

Get the robot with the given name from the environment. In case there is only a single robot in the environment, the default empty name argument will return this robot. Otherwise throws an error if no robot with the name exists.

get_waypoint(name: str) Point#

Get the waypoint with the given name from the environment. Returns either a Waypoint, a CartesianWaypoint, a Region, or a CartesianRegion. Throws an error if no waypoint with the name exists.

get_obstacle(name: str) Obstacle#

Get the obstacle with the given name from the environment. Throws an error if no obstacle with the name exists.

add_obstacle(obstacle: Obstacle) Obstacle#

Adds an obstacle to the environment. Returns a pointer to the added obstacle for future changes.

add_obstacle(object: Object, origin=Frame.Identity()) Obstacle#

Adds a collision object to the environment at the given origin frame. Returns a pointer to the added obstacle for future changes.

add_obstacle(name: str, object: Object, origin=Frame.Identity(), color='000000') Obstacle#

Adds a collision object to the environment at the given origin frame. Returns a pointer to the added obstacle for future changes.

remove_obstacle(obstacle: Obstacle)#

Removes the given obstacles from the environment and from all collision checking.


Updates all fixed obstacles for the internal collision checking. This should be called after changing e.g. the position or size of an obstacle.

update_height_field(obstacle: Obstacle)#

Updates the heights matrix of a given height field obstacle for the internal collision checking.

update_joint_position(robot: Robot, joint_position: Config)#

Updates the joint position of the given robot for the internal collision checking.

check_collision(joint_position: Config) bool#

Returns whether the given joint position is in collision with the environment (considering the security margin).

check_collision(robot: Robot, joint_position: Config) bool#

Returns whether the given joint position for the specific robot is in collision with the environment (considering the security margin).

get_collision_free_joint_position_nearby(joint_position: Config, robot: Robot = None) Config | None#

Calculate a collision free joint position close to the reference position.