
class Waypoint#

A joint-space waypoint with possible position, velocity, and/or acceleration values.

position: Config#

The joint position at the waypoint.

velocity: Config#

The joint velocity at the waypoint.

acceleration: Config#

The joint acceleration at the waypoint.

__init__(position: Config)#

Construct a waypoint with given position and zero velocity and acceleration.

__init__(position: Config, velocity: Config)#

Construct a waypoint with given position and velocity and zero acceleration.

__init__(position: Config, velocity: Config, acceleration: Config)#

Construct a waypoint with given position, velocity, and acceleration.

class CartesianWaypoint#

A Cartesian-space waypoint with possible position, velocity, and/or acceleration values.

position: Frame#

Frame of the position.

velocity: Frame#

Frame of the velocity.

acceleration: Frame#

Frame of the acceleration.

reference_config: Config | None#

An optional joint position that is used as a reference for inverse kinematics.

__init__(position: Frame, reference_config: Config = None)#

Construct a Cartesian waypoint with given position and zero velocity and acceleration.

__init__(position: Frame, velocity: Frame, reference_config: Config = None)#

Construct a Cartesian waypoint with given position and velocity and zero acceleration.

__init__(position: Frame, velocity: Frame, acceleration: Frame, reference_config: Config = None)#

Construct a Cartesian waypoint with given position, velocity, and acceleration.

class Region#

A joint-space region with possible position, velocity, and/or acceleration values.

min_position: Config#
max_position: Config#
min_velocity: Config#
max_velocity: Config#
min_acceleration: Config#
max_acceleration: Config#
class CartesianRegionBound#

The min or max boundary of a Cartesian region.

x: float#

Translation along x-axis.

y: float#

Translation along y-axis.

z: float#

Translation along z-axis.

gamma: float#

Euler angle around the global z-axis.

alpha: float#

Angle from the global z-axis.

class CartesianRegion#

A Cartesian-space region with possible minimum and maximum position, velocity, and/or acceleration values.

min_position: CartesianRegionBound#
max_position: CartesianRegionBound#
min_velocity: CartesianRegionBound#
max_velocity: CartesianRegionBound#
min_acceleration: CartesianRegionBound#
max_acceleration: CartesianRegionBound#
reference_config: Config | None#

An optional joint position that is used as a reference for inverse kinematics.

class Point#

Type alias for Config | Waypoint | CartesianWaypoint | Region | CartesianRegion. All types for speciying motion start or goals, either exact or by region.

class ExactPoint#

Type alias for Config | Waypoint | CartesianWaypoint. All types for speciying exact start or goal points.