

class Config#

Type alias for List[float] as a joint configuration of a robot.

class Frame#

Represents a transformation or pose in 3D Cartesian space.

__init__(*, x: float, y: float, z: float, a: float, b: float, c: float, qw: float, qx: float, qy: float, qz: float)#

Create a frame by keyworld-only arguments. Note that only either Euler angles (a, b, c) or Quaternions (qw, qx, qy, qz) are allowed.

static Identity() Frame#
static from_matrix(data: List[float]) Frame#
static from_translation(x: float, y: float, z: float) Frame#
static from_quaternion(x: float, y: float, z: float, qw: float, qx: float, qy: float, qz: float) Frame#
static from_euler(x: float, y: float, z: float, a: float, b: float, c: float) Frame#

The angles a, b, c are using the extrinsic XYZ convention.

property translation: List[float]#

Cartesian position [x, y, z] of the frame.

property matrix: List[float]#

Flattened 4x4 matrix representation of the frame.

property euler: List[float]#

The angles a, b, c are using the extrinsic XYZ convention.

property quaternion: List[float]#

The rotation as a list [w, x, y, z] of the quaternion.

inverse() Frame#

Calculate the inverse transformation of the frame.

translational_distance(other: Frame) float#

Calculates the Euclidian norm of the position difference.

angular_distance(other: Frame) float#

Calculates the angle of the rotational difference.

interpolate(t: float, other: Frame) Frame#

Calculates a spherical linear interpolation between this and the other frame at the interpolation parameter t.

class Twist#

Represents a velocity in 3D Cartesian space.


class Waypoint#

A joint-space waypoint with possible position, velocity, and/or acceleration values.

position: Config#

The joint position at the waypoint.

velocity: Config#

The joint velocity at the waypoint.

acceleration: Config#

The joint acceleration at the waypoint.

__init__(position: Config)#

Construct a waypoint with given position and zero velocity and acceleration.

__init__(position: Config, velocity: Config)#

Construct a waypoint with given position and velocity and zero acceleration.

__init__(position: Config, velocity: Config, acceleration: Config)#

Construct a waypoint with given position, velocity, and acceleration.

class CartesianWaypoint#

A Cartesian-space waypoint with possible position, velocity, and/or acceleration values.

position: Frame#

Frame of the position.

velocity: Frame#

Frame of the velocity.

acceleration: Frame#

Frame of the acceleration.

reference_config: Config | None#

An optional joint position that is used as a reference for inverse kinematics.

__init__(position: Frame, reference_config: Config = None)#

Construct a Cartesian waypoint with given position and zero velocity and acceleration.

__init__(position: Frame, velocity: Frame, reference_config: Config = None)#

Construct a Cartesian waypoint with given position and velocity and zero acceleration.

__init__(position: Frame, velocity: Frame, acceleration: Frame, reference_config: Config = None)#

Construct a Cartesian waypoint with given position, velocity, and acceleration.

class Region#

A joint-space region with possible position, velocity, and/or acceleration values.

min_position: Config#
max_position: Config#
min_velocity: Config#
max_velocity: Config#
min_acceleration: Config#
max_acceleration: Config#
class CartesianRegionBound#

The min or max boundary of a Cartesian region.

x: float#

Translation along x-axis.

y: float#

Translation along y-axis.

z: float#

Translation along z-axis.

gamma: float#

Euler angle around the global z-axis.

alpha: float#

Angle from the global z-axis.

class CartesianRegion#

A Cartesian-space region with possible minimum and maximum position, velocity, and/or acceleration values.

min_position: CartesianRegionBound#
max_position: CartesianRegionBound#
min_velocity: CartesianRegionBound#
max_velocity: CartesianRegionBound#
min_acceleration: CartesianRegionBound#
max_acceleration: CartesianRegionBound#
reference_config: Config | None#

An optional joint position that is used as a reference for inverse kinematics.

class Point#

Type alias for Config | Waypoint | CartesianWaypoint | Region | CartesianRegion. All types for speciying motion start or goals, either exact or by region.

class ExactPoint#

Type alias for Config | Waypoint | CartesianWaypoint. All types for speciying exact start or goal points.


class Box#

A box collision object.

x: float#

Width of the box.

y: float#

Depth of the box.

z: float#

Height of the box.

__init__(x: float, y: float, z: float)#

Construct a box of size x, y, z along the respective axis, corresponding to the width, depth, height of the box.

class Capsule#

A capsule collision object.

radius: float#

Radius of the capsule.

length: float#

Length of the capsule.

__init__(radius: float, length: float)#

Construct a capsule with the given radius and length. As a side note, a capsule is computationally efficient for collision checking.

class Convex#

A convex mesh collision object.

file_path: Path | None#

The file path of the mesh object when loaded from a file.

property bounding_box_minimum: List[float]#

The minimum position of the axis-aligned bounding box.

property bounding_box_maximum: List[float]#

The maximum position of the axis-aligned bounding box.

load_from_file(path: Path, scale: float = None)#

Loads a mesh from a *.obj or *.stl file from the given path, and returns the convex hull of the mesh. If no scale is given, we automatically estimate the scale of the mesh to match base SI units e.g. [m].

reference_studio_file(path: Path, scale: float = None)#

Create a reference to a mesh file with the given filename already uploaded to a Studio project. This is helpful to visualize objects dynamically using Studio Live.

class Cylinder#

A cylinder collision object.

radius: float#

Radius of the cylinder.

length: float#

Length of the cylinder.

__init__(radius: float, length: float)#

Construct a cylinder with the given radius and length.

class HeightField#

A height field or depth map collision object.

class Matrix#

Type alias for List[List[float]].

x: float#

Size along the x-axis.

y: float#

Size along the xyaxis.

height: Matrix#

Matrix containing the heights at evenly spaced grid points.

__init__(x: float, y: float, heights: Matrix)#

Construct a height field with the given data.

class Sphere#

A sphere collision object.

radius: float#

Radius of the sphere.

__init__(radius: float)#

Construct a sphere with the given radius.

class Obstacle#

An environment obstacle.

class Object#

Type alias for Box | Capsule | Convex | Cylinder | HeightField | Sphere.

name: str#

The name of the obstacle.

color: str#

The hex-string representation of the obstacle’s color, without the leading #.

collision: Object#

The object for collision checking.

origin: Frame#

The pose of the object.

for_visual: bool = True#

Whether this obstacle is used for visual checking.

for_collision: bool = True#

Whether this obstacle is used for collision checking.

safety_margin: float = 0.0#

An additional obstacle-specific safety margin.

Obstacle(object: Object, origin: Frame = Frame.Identity(), color: str = '000000')#
Obstacle(name: str, object: Object, origin: Frame = Frame.Identity(), color: str = '000000')#


class Environment#
safety_margin: float#

Additional global safety margin used for collision checking.

__init__(robot: Robot, safety_margin=0.0)#

Constructs a new environment with the given robot, and a global safety margin for collision checking.

get_robot(name: str = '') Robot#

Get the robot with the given name from the environment. In case there is only a single robot in the environment, the default empty name argument will return this robot. Otherwise throws an error if no robot with the name exists.

get_waypoint(name: str) Point#

Get the waypoint with the given name from the environment. Returns either a Waypoint, a CartesianWaypoint, a Region, or a CartesianRegion. Throws an error if no waypoint with the name exists.

get_obstacle(name: str) Obstacle#

Get the obstacle with the given name from the environment. Throws an error if no obstacle with the name exists.

add_obstacle(obstacle: Obstacle) Obstacle#

Adds an obstacle to the environment. Returns a pointer to the added obstacle for future changes.

add_obstacle(object: Object, origin=Frame.Identity()) Obstacle#

Adds a collision object to the environment at the given origin frame. Returns a pointer to the added obstacle for future changes.

add_obstacle(name: str, object: Object, origin=Frame.Identity(), color='000000') Obstacle#

Adds a collision object to the environment at the given origin frame. Returns a pointer to the added obstacle for future changes.

remove_obstacle(obstacle: Obstacle)#

Removes the given obstacles from the environment and from all collision checking.


Updates all fixed obstacles for the internal collision checking. This should be called after changing e.g. the position or size of an obstacle.

update_height_field(obstacle: Obstacle)#

Updates the heights matrix of a given height field obstacle for the internal collision checking.

update_joint_position(robot: Robot, joint_position: Config)#

Updates the joint position of the given robot for the internal collision checking.

check_collision(joint_position: Config) bool#

Returns whether the given joint position is in collision with the environment (considering the security margin).

check_collision(robot: Robot, joint_position: Config) bool#

Returns whether the given joint position for the specific robot is in collision with the environment (considering the security margin).

get_collision_free_joint_position_nearby(joint_position: Config, robot: Robot = None) Config | None#

Calculate a collision free joint position close to the reference position.


class Robot#
model: str#

The model name of the robot.

name: str#

The unique name of the robot in the project.

set_base(base: Frame)#
set_speed(speed: float)#
class RobotArm(Robot)#
degrees_of_freedom: int#

The number of joints of the robot.

min_position: Config#

Minimum position for each joint. [rad]

max_position: Config#

Maximum position for each joint. [rad]

max_velocity: Config#

Maximum absolute velocity for each joint. [rad/s]

max_acceleration: Config#

Maximum absolute acceleration for each joint. [rad/s^2]

max_jerk: Config#

Maximum absolute jerk for each joint. [rad/s^3]

The obstacles for each robot link.

end_effector_obstacle: Obstacle | None#

An (optional) obstacle attached to the robot’s flange.

item_obstacle: Obstacle | None#

An (optional) obstacle attached to the robot’s TCP.

property base: Frame#
property flange_to_tcp: Frame#

The transformation from the robot’s flange to the robot’s TCP, e.g. for using inverse kinematics or an item obstacle.

set_speed(speed: float)#

Sets the velocity, acceleration, and jerk limits to a factor [0, 1] of their respective default (maximum) values.

calculate_tcp(joint_position: Config) Frame#

Calculates the forward_kinematics and returns the frame of the robot’s TCP.

calculate_tcp_speed(joint_position: Config, joint_velocity: Config) float#

Calculates the forward_kinematics and returns the norm of the Cartesian velocity of the robot’s TCP.

inverse_kinematics(tcp: Frame, reference_config: Config = None) Config#

Finds a joint position so that the robot’s TCP is at the given frame. In general, the solution will try to stay close to the reference_config parameter.

We use a numerical optimization for robots with more than 6 degrees of freedom. Then, the reference configuration is used as a starting point for the optimization.

This method does not take the environment’s collision model into account.

class ABBIRB1200590(RobotArm)#
class ABBIRB1300714(RobotArm)#
class ABBIRB1600612(RobotArm)#
class ABBIRB460060205(RobotArm)#
class ABBIRB6700150320(RobotArm)#
class ABBYuMiIRB14000(Robot)#
left: ABBYuMiArm#
right: ABBYuMiArm#
class DualArm(Robot)#
left: RobotArm#
right: RobotArm#
__init__(left: RobotArm, right: RobotArm)#
class FanucLR10iA10(RobotArm)#
class FanucLRMate200iD7L(RobotArm)#
class FanucM20iB25(RobotArm)#
class FrankaPanda(RobotArm)#
class KinovaGen37DoF(RobotArm)#
class KukaIiwa7(RobotArm)#
class MecademicMeca500(RobotArm)#
class UfactoryXArm7(RobotArm)#
class UniversalUR5e(RobotArm)#
class UniversalUR10(RobotArm)#
class UniversalUR10e(RobotArm)#
class UniversalUR20(RobotArm)#
class YaskawaGP12(RobotArm)#
class YaskawaHC10(RobotArm)#
class YaskawaHC20(RobotArm)#
class CustomRobot(Robot)#

The translations between the links.

joint_axes: List[List[float]]#

The axis of the joints.

joint_types: List[JointType]#

The type of the joints: Currently revolute, continuous, prismatic, and fixed joints are supported.

static load_from_urdf_file(file: Path, base_link='base_link', end_link='flange') CustomRobot#

Loads a custom robot from a *.urdf file, and sets the robot arm to the kinematic chain between the given base_link and the end_link.


class LinearSection#

Represents a linear Cartesian section for either the approach to the goal or the retraction from the start.

offset: Frame#

Relative linear cartesian offset from either the start of the goal.

speed: float = 1.0#

Speed of the sub-motion, relative to the overall motion’s speed.

approximation: LinearSection.Approximation = LinearSection.Approximation.Always#

To approximate the Cartesian linear motion in joint space for singularity-free calculation.

smooth_transition: bool = True#

Whether to use a smooth transition between this and the next or previous section. If false, the robot will come to a complete stop at the transition point.

class Motion#

Represents a request for a collision-free point-to-point motion.

name: str#

The unique name of the motion.

start: Point#

Start point of the motion.

goal: Point#

Goal point of the motion.

waypoints: List[Point]#

Intermediate waypoints that the motion passes through exactly. The list of waypoints is limited to less than four, otherwise please take a look at LowLevelMotion.

robot: Robot#

The robot for the motion (e.g. defines the kinematics and the joint limits).

linear_retraction: LinearSection | None#

Optional relative linear cartesian motion for retracting from the start pose.

linear_approach: LinearSection | None#

Optional relative linear cartesian motion for approaching the goal pose.

soft_collision_start: bool = False#

Enables soft collision checking at the start of the motion. Then, the item obstacle of the robot is allowed to be in collision at the start point. The trajectory will move the item out of collision, and won’t allow a collision thereafter.

soft_collision_goal: bool = False#

Enables soft collision checking at the goal of the motion. Then, the item obstacle of the robot is allowed to be in collision at the goal point, but minimizes the time in collision and allows going into collision only once.

path_length_loss_weight: float = 0.1#

Weight of the loss minimizing the path length of the trajectory.

orientation_loss_weight: float = 0.0#

Weight of the loss minimizing the maximizing deviation of the end-effector orientation to the target value.

orientation_target: List[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]#

Target vector pointing in the direction of the end-effector (TCP) orientation in the global coordinate system.

cartesian_tcp_speed_cutoff: float | None#

Optional Cartesian TCP speed (translation-only) cutoff. This is a post-processing step.

initial_waypoints: List[ExactPoint] | None#

Optional initial waypoints to start the optimization with (don’t use with intermediate waypoints)

__init__(name: str, robot: Robot, start, goal)#
class LinearMotion#

Represents a request for a linear Cartesian-space motion.

name: str#

The unique name of the motion.

start: Point#

Start point of the motion.

goal: Point#

Goal point of the motion.

robot: Robot#

The robot for the motion (e.g. defines the kinematics and the joint limits).

__init__(name: str, robot: Robot, start: ExactPoint, goal: ExactPoint)#
class LowLevelMotion#

Represents a request for a low-level motion. While low level motions are not checked for collisions, they are much faster to compute and allow for more flexible constraints such as a minimum duration parameter.

class ControlInterface#

Position-control: Full control over the entire kinematic state. (Default)


Velocity-control: Ignores the current position, target position, and velocity limits.

class Synchronization#

Phase synchronize the DoFs when possible, else fallback to “Time” strategy. (Default)


Always synchronize the DoFs to reach the target at the same time.


Synchronize only when necessary (e.g. for non-zero target velocity or acceleration).


Calculate every DoF independently.

class DurationDiscretization#

Every trajectory synchronization duration is allowed. (Default)


The trajectory synchronization duration must be a multiple of the control cycle.

name: str#

The unique name of the motion.

robot: Robot#

The robot for the motion (e.g. defines the kinematics and the joint limits).

start: Waypoint#

Start point of the motion.

goal: Waypoint#

Goal point of the motion.

intermediate_positions: List[Config]#

List of intermediate positions. For a small number of waypoints (less than 16), the trajectory goes exactly through the intermediate waypoints. For a larger number of waypoints, first a filtering algorithm is used to keep the resulting trajectory close to the original waypoints.

minimum_duration: float | None#

A minimum duration of the motion.

control_interface: ControlInterface = ControlInterface.Position#

The control interface for the motion.

synchronization: Synchronization = Synchronization.Phase#

The synchronization strategy for the motion.

duration_discretization: DurationDiscretization = DurationDiscretization.Continuous#

The duration discretization strategy for the motion.

__init__(name: str, robot: Robot)#

Motion Planning#

class Trajectory#
id: str#

Field for identifying trajectories (for the user).

motion: str#

Name of the motion this trajectory was planned for.

duration: float#

The trajectory duration in [s].

times: List[float]#

The exact time stamps for the position, velocity, and acceleration values. The times will usually be sampled at the delta_time distance of the Planner class, but might deviate at the final step.

positions: List[Config]#

The joint positions along the trajectory.

velocities: List[Config]#

The joint velocities along the trajectory.

accelerations: List[Config]#

The joint accelerations along the trajectory.

reverse() Trajectory#

Reverse the trajectory’s start and goal.

append(other: Trajectory)#

Appends another trajectory to the current one.

slice(start: int, steps: int) Trajectory#

Get a slice of the trajectory starting from step start for a length of steps.

filter_path(max_distance: Config) List[Config]#

Filter a path of sparse waypoints from the trajectory.

The path has a maximum distance per degree of freedom between the linear interpolation of the sparse waypoints and the original trajectory.

static from_json_file(file: Path) Trajectory#

Loads a trajectory from a *.json file.

to_json_file(file: Path)#

Saves a trajectory to a *.json file.

__len__() int#

The number of time steps within the trajectory.

as_table() str#

To pretty print the trajectory as a table of positions.

class Planner#
delta_time: float#

The time step for sampling the trajectories from the planner in [s]. Usually, this should correspond to the control rate of the robot.

last_calculation_duration: float#

The duration of the last motion planning calculation in [ms].

__init__(environment: Environment, delta_time: float)#

Constructs a planner for the given environment.

__init__(robot: Robot, delta_time: float)#

Constructs a planner for the given robot and an empty environment.

__init__(project: str, delta_time: float)#

Cloud version: Constructs a planner with the environment defined in the given Jacobi Studio project.

static load_from_project_file(file: Path) Planner#

On-prem version: Loads a planner from a *.jacobi-project file.

add_motion(motion: Motion | LinearMotion | LowLevelMotion)#
load_motion_plan(file: Path)#

On-prem version: Loads a motion plan from the *.jacobi-plan file.

plan(start: ExactPoint, goal: ExactPoint) Trajectory | None#

Plans a time-optimized, collision-free, and jerk-limited motion from start to goal.

plan(motion_name: str, start: ExactPoint = None, goal: ExactPoint = None) Trajectory | None#

Plans a time-optimized, collision-free, and jerk-limited motion given the motion name. In case the motion was specified by a start or goal region, the respective exact start or goal positions needs to be passed.

plan(motion: Motion) Trajectory | None#

Plans a collision-free point-to-point motion.

plan(motion: LinearMotion) Trajectory | None#

Plans a linear motion.

plan(motion: LowLevelMotion) Trajectory | None#

Plans a low-level motion.

Studio Live#

class Studio#

Helper class to connect and visualize trajectories and events in Jacobi Studio.

class Action#

An action that can be performed in Jacobi Studio, e.g. setting a robot to a specific joint position or adding an obstacle to the environment.

class Events(dict(list))#

A container that maps a specific timing to one or multiple actions. The static methods of this class do not change the visualization in Jacobi Studio immediately, but only return an action that can be executed later (e.g. alongside a trajectory).

static set_joint_position(joint_position: Config, robot: Robot = None) Action#

Returns an action that sets the joint position of the given robot, or the last active robot instead.

static set_item(obstacle: Obstacle | None, robot: Robot = None) Action#

Returns an action that sets the item obstacle of the given robot, or the last active robot instead.

static set_material(material: str, robot: Robot = None) Action#

Returns an action that sets the material of the given robot, or the last active robot instead.

static add_robot(robot: Robot) Action#

Returns an action that adds the given robot to the environment.

static add_obstacle(obstacle: Obstacle) Action#

Returns an action that adds the given obstacle to the environment.

static add_waypoint(point: Point) Action#

Returns an action that adds the given waypoint to the environment.

static remove_obstacle(obstacle: Obstacle) Action#

Returns an action that removes the given obstacle (by name) from the environment.


Connects to Jacobi Studio automatically. Please make sure to enable the Studio Live feature in the Jacobi Studio settings.

speedup: float = 1.0#

A factor to speed up or slow down running trajectories or events.

set_joint_position(joint_position: Config, robot: Robot = None)#

Sets the joint position of the given robot, or the last active robot instead.

set_item(obstacle: Obstacle | None, robot: Robot = None)#

Sets the item obstacle of the given robot, or the last active robot instead.

set_material(material: str, robot: Robot = None)#

Sets the material of the given robot, or the last active robot instead.

add_robot(robot: Robot)#

Adds the given robot to the environment.

add_obstacle(obstacle: Obstacle)#

Adds the given obstacle to the environment.

add_waypoint(point: Point)#

Adds the given waypoint to the environment.

remove_obstacle(obstacle: Obstacle)#

Removes the given obstacle (by name) from the environment.

run_action(action: Action)#

Run the given action in Jacobi Studio.

run_trajectory(trajectory: Trajectory, events: Events = {}, loop_forever=False, robot: Robot = None)#

Runs a trajectory for the given robot (or the last active robot) in Jacobi Studio, alongside the events at the specified timings. Optionally, the visualization can be looped.

run_events(events: Events)#

Run the events at the specified timings in Jacobi Studio.


Resets the environment to the state before a trajectory or events were run. In particular, it removes all obstacles there were added dynamically.

get_joint_position(robot: Robot = None) Config#

Return the current joint position of the given or only robot.

Robot Driver#

class Result#
Success = 1#

Finished successfully.

Error = -1#

General (unspecified) error.

ErrorStartPositionDeviation = -100#

The start position of the trajectory deviates from the current robot’s position.

ErrorTrajectoryDidNotUpdate = -101#

Failed to update the trajectory.

ErrorReachGoalTimeout = -102#

Waiting to reach goal position has timed out.

ErrorCommandAlreadyInProgress = -103#

Another command already in progress.

ErrorTrajectoryAborted = -104#

Trajectory aborted by stop command.

ErrorController = -200#

General error on the controller.

ErrorControllerEStopActive = -201#

E-Stop is active on the controller.

ErrorControllerSafetyViolation = -202#

Safety violation occured on the controller.

ErrorControllerAlarmActive = -203#

An alarm is active on the controller.

ErrorControllerNotInAutoMode = -204#

Controller is not in automatic mode.

ErrorControllerNotInRemoteMode = -205#

Controller not in a remote mode for external control.

ErrorControllerInHoldState = -206#

Controller is in a hold state.

ErrorControllerEnableMotors = -207#

The robot’s motors are not enabled.

ErrorControllerProgramStopped = -208#

Controller program stopped unexpectedly.

ErrorControllerSendingStop = -209#

Failed to send the stop command to the controller.

ErrorControllerConnection = -210#

No connection to controller.

class FutureResult#
wait() Result#

Blocks the code execution until the robot has finished the motion and then returns its result.

property has_finished: bool#

Returns whether the corresponding motions has already finished.

class Driver#
reconnect() bool#

Connect to the robot, in particular after an external disconnection. Returns reconnection success.

disconnect() bool#

Disconnect from the robot. Returns disconnection success.

property is_connected: bool#

Is the robot currently connected?

property controller_status: ControllerStatus#

Current status of the robot’s controller.

enable() Result#

Enable robot’s servos (if available).

disable() Result#

Disable robot’s servos (if available).

property is_running: bool#

Is the robot is currently running a motion in a synchronously or asynchronously manner?

property speed: float#

The speed parameter to change the driver’s execution speed. It is usually between 0.0 and 1.0, or might be higher for the SimulatedDriver for faster than real-time speeds.

set_speed(speed: float, duration: float)#

Change the speed parameter smoothly with a linear interpolation over the given time duration [s].

property current_joint_position: Config#

Returns the current joint position of the robot.

property current_state: RobotState#

Returns the current joint state of the robot. Velocity and acceleration information are only available for some drivers.

run(trajectory: Trajectory) Result#

Run a trajectory.

run_async(trajectory: Trajectory) FutureResult#

Run a trajectory asynchronously.

move_to(goal: ExactPoint, ignore_collision=False) Result#

Move to an exact waypoint.

move_to_async(goal: ExactPoint, ignore_collision=False) FutureResult#

Move to an exact waypoint asynchronously.

move_along(name: str, ignore_collision=False) Result#

Move along a pre-defined motion profile.

move_along_async(name: str, ignore_collision=False) FutureResult#

Move along a pre-defined motion profile asynchronously.

stop(fast_stop: bool = True) Result#

Stop a motion as fast as possible.

stop_async(fast_stop: bool = True) FutureResult#

Stop a motion as fast as possible asynchronously.

create_io_alias(name: str, address: int)#

Creates an alias name for a given I/O address.

get_digital_input(name: str) int#

Read a digital input.

set_digital_output(name: str, value: int)#

Write to a digital output. Returns whether successful.

get_analog_input(name: str) float#

Read a analog input.

set_analog_output(name: str, value: float)#

Write to a analog output. Returns whether successful.

get_group_input(name: str) int#

Read a group input.

set_group_output(name: str, value: int)#

Write to a group output. Returns whether successful.

class ABBDriver(Driver)#
class RapidModule#
__init__(unit='ROB_1', egm_config='default', max_speed_deviation=100.0)#

Create a new Rapid module.

__init__(manual_code: str)#

Create a module with completly custom manual Rapid code.

unit: str#

The name of the robot unit to be controlled.

upload: bool#

Whether the rapid file should be uploaded to the controller on connection.

add_procedure(name: str, rapid: str)#

Adds a procedure to call with arbitrary Rapid code.

get_rapid_code(init='egm') str#

Returns the overall Rapid code.

class RWS#

A robot connection using the ABB Robot Web Services interface.

class Signal#
name: str#

The name of the signal.

category: str#

The category of the signal.

lvalue: str#

The current value of the signal.

property version: str#

Get the version of the robot controller.

property robot_type: str#

Get the robot type.

property speed_ratio: int#

Get and set the robot’s speed ratio.

get_joint_position(mechunit='ROB_1') Config#

Get the current robot unit joint position via the RWS interface.

call_procedure(name: str)#

Call a Rapid procedure.

execute_rapid_main() Result#

Execute the current Rapid program from main.

execute(module: RapidModule, init='egm') Result#

Executes the given Rapid module, starting from the given method.


Stop the execution of the currently running program.


Restart the controller.

get_signal(signal: str, network='', device='') Signal#

Read the signal of the given name.

set_signal(signal: str, value: str, network='', device='')#

Write the signal to the given value.

rws: RWS#

The RWS module, if initialized.

__init__(planner: Planner, port: int)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver using an underlying EGM server at the specified port.

__init__(planner: Planner, robot: Robot, port: int)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver for a specified robot using an underlying EGM server at the specified port.

__init__(planner: Planner, host: str, module=RapidModule(), version=RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver with an underyling RWS connection.

__init__(planner: Planner, robot: Robot, host: str, module=RapidModule(), version=RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver for a specified robot with an underyling RWS connection.

__init__(planner: Planner, host: str, port: int, module=RapidModule(), version=RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver with both an EGM server and an RWS connection.

__init__(planner: Planner, robot: Robot, host: str, port: int, module=RapidModule(), version=RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver for a specified robot with both an EGM server and an RWS connection.

class SimulatedDriver(Driver)#
time_speed: float = 1.0#

A factor for speeding up the time, e.g. for faster than real-world simulations.

studio: Studio#

The underlying connection to Jacobi Studio.

run_result: Result = Result.Success#

The result type for motions.

enable_result: Result = Result.Success#

The result type for enabling or disabling the controller.

__init__(planner: Planner, sync_with_studio=False, log_stream=False)#

Starts an Simulated Robot Driver, possibly connecting to Jacobi Studio via Studio Live, or streaming the current positions to cout.

set_current_joint_position(joint_position: Config)#

Sets the current robot’s joint position to the given value.

create_io(name: str, default_value: int)#

Create a simulated I/O with the given name and default value.

load_io_config_from_file(file: Path)#

Load a config from file to create multiple I/Os at once. The file required to be a *.json with names mapping to their default values.

class UniversalDriver(Driver)#
__init__(planner: Planner, host: str)#

Starts an Universal Robot Driver using RTDE.

class YaskawaDriver(Driver)#
__init__(planner: Planner, host: str = '', port: int = 50240)#

Starts an Yaskawa Robot Driver connecting to the MotoPlus application running on the robot controller.