
class LinearSection#

Represents a linear Cartesian section for either the approach to the goal or the retraction from the start.

offset: Frame#

Relative linear cartesian offset from either the start of the goal.

speed: float = 1.0#

Speed of the sub-motion, relative to the overall motion’s speed.

approximation: LinearSection.Approximation = LinearSection.Approximation.Always#

To approximate the Cartesian linear motion in joint space for singularity-free calculation.

smooth_transition: bool = True#

Whether to use a smooth transition between this and the next or previous section. If false, the robot will come to a complete stop at the transition point.

class Motion#

Represents a request for a collision-free point-to-point motion.

name: str#

The unique name of the motion.

start: Point#

Start point of the motion.

goal: Point#

Goal point of the motion.

waypoints: List[Point]#

Intermediate waypoints that the motion passes through exactly. The list of waypoints is limited to less than four, otherwise please take a look at LowLevelMotion.

robot: Robot#

The robot for the motion (e.g. defines the kinematics and the joint limits).

linear_retraction: LinearSection | None#

Optional relative linear cartesian motion for retracting from the start pose.

linear_approach: LinearSection | None#

Optional relative linear cartesian motion for approaching the goal pose.

soft_collision_start: bool = False#

Enables soft collision checking at the start of the motion. Then, the item obstacle of the robot is allowed to be in collision at the start point. The trajectory will move the item out of collision, and won’t allow a collision thereafter.

soft_collision_goal: bool = False#

Enables soft collision checking at the goal of the motion. Then, the item obstacle of the robot is allowed to be in collision at the goal point, but minimizes the time in collision and allows going into collision only once.

path_length_loss_weight: float = 0.1#

Weight of the loss minimizing the path length of the trajectory.

orientation_loss_weight: float = 0.0#

Weight of the loss minimizing the maximizing deviation of the end-effector orientation to the target value.

orientation_target: List[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]#

Target vector pointing in the direction of the end-effector (TCP) orientation in the global coordinate system.

cartesian_tcp_speed_cutoff: float | None#

Optional Cartesian TCP speed (translation-only) cutoff. This is a post-processing step.

initial_waypoints: List[ExactPoint] | None#

Optional initial waypoints to start the optimization with (don’t use with intermediate waypoints)

__init__(name: str, robot: Robot, start, goal)#
class LinearMotion#

Represents a request for a linear Cartesian-space motion.

name: str#

The unique name of the motion.

start: Point#

Start point of the motion.

goal: Point#

Goal point of the motion.

robot: Robot#

The robot for the motion (e.g. defines the kinematics and the joint limits).

__init__(name: str, robot: Robot, start: ExactPoint, goal: ExactPoint)#
class LowLevelMotion#

Represents a request for a low-level motion. While low level motions are not checked for collisions, they are much faster to compute and allow for more flexible constraints such as a minimum duration parameter.

class ControlInterface#

Position-control: Full control over the entire kinematic state. (Default)


Velocity-control: Ignores the current position, target position, and velocity limits.

class Synchronization#

Phase synchronize the DoFs when possible, else fallback to “Time” strategy. (Default)


Always synchronize the DoFs to reach the target at the same time.


Synchronize only when necessary (e.g. for non-zero target velocity or acceleration).


Calculate every DoF independently.

class DurationDiscretization#

Every trajectory synchronization duration is allowed. (Default)


The trajectory synchronization duration must be a multiple of the control cycle.

name: str#

The unique name of the motion.

robot: Robot#

The robot for the motion (e.g. defines the kinematics and the joint limits).

start: Waypoint#

Start point of the motion.

goal: Waypoint#

Goal point of the motion.

intermediate_positions: List[Config]#

List of intermediate positions. For a small number of waypoints (less than 16), the trajectory goes exactly through the intermediate waypoints. For a larger number of waypoints, first a filtering algorithm is used to keep the resulting trajectory close to the original waypoints.

minimum_duration: float | None#

A minimum duration of the motion.

control_interface: ControlInterface = ControlInterface.Position#

The control interface for the motion.

synchronization: Synchronization = Synchronization.Phase#

The synchronization strategy for the motion.

duration_discretization: DurationDiscretization = DurationDiscretization.Continuous#

The duration discretization strategy for the motion.

__init__(name: str, robot: Robot)#