
class Robot
std::string model

The model name of the robot.

std::string name

The unique name of the robot in the project.

void set_base(const Frame &base)
void set_speed(double speed)
class RobotArm : Robot
const size_t degrees_of_freedom

The number of joints of the robot.

Config min_position

Minimum position for each joint. [rad]

Config max_position

Maximum position for each joint. [rad]

Config max_velocity

Maximum absolute velocity for each joint. [rad/s]

Config max_acceleration

Maximum absolute acceleration for each joint. [rad/s^2]

Config max_jerk

Maximum absolute jerk for each joint. [rad/s^3]

The obstacles for each robot link.

std::optional<Obstacle> end_effector_obstacle

An (optional) obstacle attached to the robot’s flange.

std::optional<Obstacle> item_obstacle

An (optional) obstacle attached to the robot’s TCP.

Frame &base()
Frame base() const
Frame &flange_to_tcp()

The transformation from the robot’s flange to the robot’s TCP, e.g. for using inverse kinematics or an item obstacle.

Frame flange_to_tcp() const
void set_speed(double speed)

Sets the velocity, acceleration, and jerk limits to a factor [0, 1] of their respective default (maximum) values.

void forward_position(const Config &joint_position)

Calculates the link and joint frames along the kinematic chain for the given joint position.

Frame calculate_tcp(const Config &joint_position)

Calculates the forward_kinematics and returns the frame of the robot’s TCP.

double calculate_tcp_speed(const Config &joint_position, const Config &joint_velocity)

Calculates the forward_kinematics and returns the norm of the Cartesian velocity of the robot’s TCP.

Config inverse_kinematics(const Frame &tcp, const std::optional<Config> &reference_config)

Finds a joint position so that the robot’s TCP is at the given frame. In general, the solution will try to stay close to the reference_config parameter.

We use a numerical optimization for robots with more than 6 degrees of freedom. Then, the reference configuration is used as a starting point for the optimization.

This method does not take the environment’s collision model into account.

class ABBIRB1200590 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/abb_irb1200_5_90.hpp> header.

class ABBIRB1300714 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/abb_irb1300_7_14.hpp> header.

class ABBIRB1600612 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/abb_irb1600_6_12.hpp> header.

class ABBIRB460060205 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/abb_irb4600_60_205.hpp> header.

class ABBIRB6700150320 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/abb_irb6700_150_320.hpp> header.

class ABBYuMiIRB14000 : Robot

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/abb_yumi_irb14000.hpp> header.

ABBYuMiArm left
ABBYuMiArm right
class DualArm : Robot

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/dual_arm.hpp> header.

std::shared_ptr<RobotArm> left
std::shared_ptr<RobotArm> right
DualArm(std::shared_ptr<RobotArm> left, std::shared_ptr<RobotArm> right)
class FanucLR10iA10 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/fanuc_lr_10ia10.hpp> header.

class FanucLRMate200iD7L : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/fanuc_lrmate200id7l.hpp> header.

class FanucM20iB25 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/fanuc_m_20ib25.hpp> header.

class FrankaPanda : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/franka_panda.hpp> header.

class KinovaGen37DoF : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/kinova_gen3_7dof.hpp> header.

class KukaIiwa7 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/kuka_iiwa7.hpp> header.

class MecademicMeca500 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/mecademic_meca500.hpp> header.

class UfactoryXArm7 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/ufactory_xarm7.hpp> header.

class UniversalUR5e : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/universal_ur5e.hpp> header.

class UniversalUR10 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/universal_ur10.hpp> header.

class UniversalUR10e : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/universal_ur10e.hpp> header.

class UniversalUR20 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/universal_ur20.hpp> header.

class YaskawaGP12 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/yaskawa_gp12.hpp> header.

class YaskawaHC10 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/yaskawa_hc10.hpp> header.

class YaskawaHC20 : RobotArm

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/yaskawa_hc20.hpp> header.

class CustomRobot : Robot

Defined in the <jacobi/robots/custom.hpp> header.

The translations between the links.

std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> joint_axes

The axis of the joints.

std::vector<JointType> joint_types

The type of the joints: Currently revolute, continuous, prismatic, and fixed joints are supported.

static CustomRobot load_from_urdf_file(const std::filesystem::path &file, const std::string &base_link = "base_link", const std::string &end_link = "flange")

Loads a custom robot from a *.urdf file, and sets the robot arm to the kinematic chain between the given base_link and the end_link.