Robot Driver#

class Result#
Success = 1#

Finished successfully.

Error = -1#

General (unspecified) error.

ErrorStartPositionDeviation = -100#

The start position of the trajectory deviates from the current robotā€™s position.

ErrorTrajectoryDidNotUpdate = -101#

Failed to update the trajectory.

ErrorReachGoalTimeout = -102#

Waiting to reach goal position has timed out.

ErrorCommandAlreadyInProgress = -103#

Another command already in progress.

ErrorTrajectoryAborted = -104#

Trajectory aborted by stop command.

ErrorController = -200#

General error on the controller.

ErrorControllerEStopActive = -201#

E-Stop is active on the controller.

ErrorControllerSafetyViolation = -202#

Safety violation occured on the controller.

ErrorControllerAlarmActive = -203#

An alarm is active on the controller.

ErrorControllerNotInAutoMode = -204#

Controller is not in automatic mode.

ErrorControllerNotInRemoteMode = -205#

Controller not in a remote mode for external control.

ErrorControllerInHoldState = -206#

Controller is in a hold state.

ErrorControllerEnableMotors = -207#

The robotā€™s motors are not enabled.

ErrorControllerProgramStopped = -208#

Controller program stopped unexpectedly.

ErrorControllerSendingStop = -209#

Failed to send the stop command to the controller.

ErrorControllerConnection = -210#

No connection to controller.

class FutureResult#
wait() Result#

Blocks the code execution until the robot has finished the motion and then returns its result.

property has_finished: bool#

Returns whether the corresponding motions has already finished.

class Driver#
reconnect() bool#

Connect to the robot, in particular after an external disconnection. Returns reconnection success.

disconnect() bool#

Disconnect from the robot. Returns disconnection success.

property is_connected: bool#

Is the robot currently connected?

property controller_status: ControllerStatus#

Current status of the robotā€™s controller.

enable() Result#

Enable robotā€™s servos (if available).

disable() Result#

Disable robotā€™s servos (if available).

property is_running: bool#

Is the robot is currently running a motion in a synchronously or asynchronously manner?

property speed: float#

The speed parameter to change the driverā€™s execution speed. It is usually between 0.0 and 1.0, or might be higher for the SimulatedDriver for faster than real-time speeds.

set_speed(speed: float, duration: float)#

Change the speed parameter smoothly with a linear interpolation over the given time duration [s].

property current_joint_position: Config#

Returns the current joint position of the robot.

property current_state: RobotState#

Returns the current joint state of the robot. Velocity and acceleration information are only available for some drivers.

run(trajectory: Trajectory) Result#

Run a trajectory.

run_async(trajectory: Trajectory) FutureResult#

Run a trajectory asynchronously.

move_to(goal: ExactPoint, ignore_collision=False) Result#

Move to an exact waypoint.

move_to_async(goal: ExactPoint, ignore_collision=False) FutureResult#

Move to an exact waypoint asynchronously.

move_along(name: str, ignore_collision=False) Result#

Move along a pre-defined motion profile.

move_along_async(name: str, ignore_collision=False) FutureResult#

Move along a pre-defined motion profile asynchronously.

stop(fast_stop: bool = True) Result#

Stop a motion as fast as possible.

stop_async(fast_stop: bool = True) FutureResult#

Stop a motion as fast as possible asynchronously.

create_io_alias(name: str, address: int)#

Creates an alias name for a given I/O address.

get_digital_input(name: str) int#

Read a digital input.

set_digital_output(name: str, value: int)#

Write to a digital output. Returns whether successful.

get_analog_input(name: str) float#

Read a analog input.

set_analog_output(name: str, value: float)#

Write to a analog output. Returns whether successful.

get_group_input(name: str) int#

Read a group input.

set_group_output(name: str, value: int)#

Write to a group output. Returns whether successful.

class ABBDriver(Driver)#
class RapidModule#
__init__(unit='ROB_1', egm_config='default', max_speed_deviation=100.0)#

Create a new Rapid module.

__init__(manual_code: str)#

Create a module with completly custom manual Rapid code.

unit: str#

The name of the robot unit to be controlled.

upload: bool#

Whether the rapid file should be uploaded to the controller on connection.

add_procedure(name: str, rapid: str)#

Adds a procedure to call with arbitrary Rapid code.

get_rapid_code(init='egm') str#

Returns the overall Rapid code.

class RWS#

A robot connection using the ABB Robot Web Services interface.

class Signal#
name: str#

The name of the signal.

category: str#

The category of the signal.

lvalue: str#

The current value of the signal.

property version: str#

Get the version of the robot controller.

property robot_type: str#

Get the robot type.

property speed_ratio: int#

Get and set the robotā€™s speed ratio.

get_joint_position(mechunit='ROB_1') Config#

Get the current robot unit joint position via the RWS interface.

call_procedure(name: str)#

Call a Rapid procedure.

execute_rapid_main() Result#

Execute the current Rapid program from main.

execute(module: RapidModule, init='egm') Result#

Executes the given Rapid module, starting from the given method.


Stop the execution of the currently running program.


Restart the controller.

get_signal(signal: str, network='', device='') Signal#

Read the signal of the given name.

set_signal(signal: str, value: str, network='', device='')#

Write the signal to the given value.

rws: RWS#

The RWS module, if initialized.

__init__(planner: Planner, port: int)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver using an underlying EGM server at the specified port.

__init__(planner: Planner, robot: Robot, port: int)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver for a specified robot using an underlying EGM server at the specified port.

__init__(planner: Planner, host: str, module=RapidModule(), version=RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver with an underyling RWS connection.

__init__(planner: Planner, robot: Robot, host: str, module=RapidModule(), version=RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver for a specified robot with an underyling RWS connection.

__init__(planner: Planner, host: str, port: int, module=RapidModule(), version=RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver with both an EGM server and an RWS connection.

__init__(planner: Planner, robot: Robot, host: str, port: int, module=RapidModule(), version=RobotWareVersion.RobotWare7)#

Starts an ABB Robot Driver for a specified robot with both an EGM server and an RWS connection.

class SimulatedDriver(Driver)#
time_speed: float = 1.0#

A factor for speeding up the time, e.g. for faster than real-world simulations.

studio: Studio#

The underlying connection to Jacobi Studio.

run_result: Result = Result.Success#

The result type for motions.

enable_result: Result = Result.Success#

The result type for enabling or disabling the controller.

connect_result: bool#

The result type for reconnecting or disconnection the controller.

__init__(planner: Planner, sync_with_studio=False, log_stream=False, serve_io_viewer=False)#

Starts an Simulated Robot Driver, possibly connecting to Jacobi Studio via Studio Live, or streaming the current positions to cout.

set_current_joint_position(joint_position: Config)#

Sets the current robotā€™s joint position to the given value.

create_io(name: str, default_value: int | float)#

Create a simulated I/O with the given name and default value.

load_io_config(config: list[Signal])#

Load a config a list of signals to create multiple I/Os at once.

load_io_config_from_file(file: Path)#

Load a config from file to create multiple I/Os at once. The file required to be a *.json with names mapping to their default values.

class UniversalDriver(Driver)#
__init__(planner: Planner, host: str)#

Starts an Universal Robot Driver using RTDE.

class YaskawaDriver(Driver)#
__init__(planner: Planner, host: str = '', port: int = 50240)#

Starts an Yaskawa Robot Driver connecting to the MotoPlus application running on the robot controller.